Artist Comment:
Date: August 30, 2015
Mends finally makes a real appearance in the series other than flashbacks. He doesn't seem too happy that Bate keeps leaving his room, though. Also, I guess the major thing revealed in this page, is that the jar Bate’s been talking to all this time is....well, actually empty. ;o;
Which now begs the very important question: Is this so-called ‘Dark Matter’ real, or just a figment caused by Bate’s loneliness of being trapped in a hospital after a very traumatizing event? Was the need and constant yearning to have somebody by his side so immense that it caused him to create someone? Such a creature- stuck in glass prison; isolated from the world and unable to escape just like the broken warrior holding him.
Is this all an illusion caused by Bate to help cope with his loss?
I’ll let you ponder it for awhile.
Species © Nintendo/ HAL Laboratory
Interpreted characters created from said species © Rhylem
Story © Rhylem
Interpreted characters created from said species © Rhylem
Story © Rhylem