Artist Comment:
January 20, 2025
NEW GUARDIANS!!! oAo !!!! Surly their other halves are soon to follow, maybe. ;v;;;
I posted rough concepts of them in a doodle dump. And I explained that these are for a short comic I've been wanted to post for quite some time. I thiiink I created it during Grand Illusion, but lots of things were preventing me from posting it, and I'm sure you'll understand why I had to wait. XDD Anyways! I hope you enjoy their designs, it was so much fun to refine and get them completed.
Any and all questions will have to wait since the comic will explain everything there needs to know about them. For the comic itself being so short, it will still be marked 18+ since it does revolve around some more serious topics and other things... ;v;;;
January 20, 2025
NEW GUARDIANS!!! oAo !!!! Surly their other halves are soon to follow, maybe. ;v;;;
I posted rough concepts of them in a doodle dump. And I explained that these are for a short comic I've been wanted to post for quite some time. I thiiink I created it during Grand Illusion, but lots of things were preventing me from posting it, and I'm sure you'll understand why I had to wait. XDD Anyways! I hope you enjoy their designs, it was so much fun to refine and get them completed.
Any and all questions will have to wait since the comic will explain everything there needs to know about them. For the comic itself being so short, it will still be marked 18+ since it does revolve around some more serious topics and other things... ;v;;;
Species © Nintendo/ HAL Laboratory
Interpreted characters created from said species © Rhylem
Interpreted characters created from said species © Rhylem