Artist Comment:
Date: March 12, 2015
Meta now comes to a very dark part of Bate’s past. ;A; He becomes too terrified seeing his teacher like that and runs off. We also get to see how Gordon got his busted spikes. Demon Bate was far too powerful, even for a great weaponry master like him...oh, and Bullet. D:,
Bate unfortunately doesn’t remember much of the incident, so he can’t explain what happened that day. But the whole Devil Frog incident was one of the reasons what caused Bate to become an emotionless shell of his former self. Everyone rejected and avoided him after that- they thought he was a monster due to his violent and destructive behavior. And, as mentioned before, many of them moved away from Kalmari.
Also, Gordon doesn’t know Bate was possessed by the Devil Frog. He does know something was wrong with Bate’s behavior and personality that day, but never figured it out in the end. Gordon just assumed something inside him snapped. (And he couldn’t see Bate's total appearance change due to the whole area being covered in smoke and debris.)
Species © Nintendo/ HAL Laboratory
Interpreted characters created from said species © Rhylem
Story © Rhylem
Interpreted characters created from said species © Rhylem
Story © Rhylem