Sir Ramset H.
Ram, Rammy
Crux Name
Sasuke #225
R. H.
33 Years Old
April 1st
Central Crux
Current Residence
Kalmari Town, West Nova
(Evasion / Explosive instructor)
(Sells his fireworks during the summer)
Weapons of choice
Bombs, throwing stars, and Knives
Explosives,, dodging projectiles, and master
of launching mass attacks at an enemy,
Unique trait
Ramset has the ability to store weapons
in an isolated part of his body.
Personal Quote
"Nova Crunch always tastes better when eating among companions."
Sir Bate
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Being bound to the building he worked at, plus being confined at the
age of 1,300-1,800, Ramset developed a phobia of closed spaces.
Because of this Ramset is unable to stay inside a
building or house for very long.
The Rain
The major downfall to his attacks is rain or any
type of liquid substance. There's a high chance
that it'll burn out the fuse and render him useless.
It's later revealed that Ramset is deaf. He currently
has a cochlear implant in his right ear. Ramset's battle style
heavily relies on his hearing so if something were to happen
to his implant, he would be completely helpless in battle.

Exploding Throwing Stars
Ramset's trump card and most powerful attack. Storing several stars in his body, Ram is
able to regurgitate and shoot them at his enemy. Once the star makes contact outside
his body, it will start to glow red and explode soon after. The only downside to this attack
is that it will cause internal bleeding when being brought up. Ramset must heal for several
months before storing a new batch of throwing stars in his body again.
Ramset's trump card and most powerful attack. Storing several stars in his body, Ram is
able to regurgitate and shoot them at his enemy. Once the star makes contact outside
his body, it will start to glow red and explode soon after. The only downside to this attack
is that it will cause internal bleeding when being brought up. Ramset must heal for several
months before storing a new batch of throwing stars in his body again.
★Pet Peeves
Anything that bugs him is considered a pet peeve in his eyes. He
is easily annoyed by just about everything and will claim it as
a fact if others ask him. So far, he hasn’t proven himself wrong.
A rather odd hobby Ramset picked up when he wanted to make
gifts for his students. Ramset ended up really enjoying it and
loves to make cozies for everything. His latest project was
knitting cozies for just about everything in Bate's home.
Ramset has never set foot outside while he was growing up in Central Crux. He and dozens of other
Sasukes were kept inside in one of Central Crux's main factories and taught how to make explosives for the
war. Whenever he had free time, Ramset would always venture throughout the hundreds of rooms in the
building. At the age of 1,300 he found the greatest thing in the entire universe!!!
A photo book filled with landscapes!!
Convinced there was a better world outside the factory walls, Ramset planned to break out and flee Central Crux.
Unfortunately he wasn't so lucky and was quickly detained. As punishment he was put under strict surveillance
and was not allowed to venture off like he used too. When he turned 1,800, Ramset finally decided he had enough
and planned another break out. One night he snuck out and headed to the main storage room that held all the
explosives waiting to be shipped. He searched for the biggest bomb in the room and lit it. To this day, Ramset
has never seen his coworkers or Central Crux again.
Ramset spent a few years traveling all over the 4 lands of Nova. At the age of 2,200 he finally picked his new
home in Kalmari Town, West Nova. Ram still loves to make explosives and was persuaded by the other
teachers to use it to help future students raise their evasion.
Operation Nonsurat Arc
Ramset makes a brief appearance with Dragato. He sees the young Puffball looking for Bate and Gordon
and appears to tell them their current whereabouts. He says that they are currently at Central Crux to
help Nonsurat. Ramset tells him not to worry, and that Bate and Gordon know what they're doing.
He quickly disappears before Dragato has any other questions to ask him.
Ramset later appears at the end of the comic. He briefly explains to the other four why Nonsurat
had to have his wings removed. Once his explanation was complete, he introduces
himself as their next teacher they'll be learning under.
Dodge 'n Burn Arc
The five warriors train under Ramset but ends up angering the Sasuke when they did a pathetic very
job during his class. He tells them to get out of his sight and come back once they take this class seriously.
Later in the story, Ramset and Bate have a conversation about Gravel; the next teacher who'll be training the
five. Ramset is nervous about them being trained under the Bukiset since he shows resentment towards
the 5 warrior puffballs.
In the end of the comic, Ramset confronts Gravel and tells him that his actions towards the 5 warriors were completely
uncalled for. Gravel puts the blame on Bate, but Ramset, finally having enough, tells Gravel that he's at fault. He sent 5
kids to the hospital for a stupid grudge that he alone created. After their heated argument, Gravel finally realizes that his
actions were unforgivable, and apologizes to Ramset. He then leaves Kalmari and heads back to his home in North Nova.
Ramset tries to stop him, but was unsuccessful. Realizing Gravel wasn't going to listen, Ramset starts crying that
he lost the first friend he ever made.
The Bird and The Squid arc
Ramset helps Gordon clean Bate's attic and ends up finding an old, worn hospital cloth in one of the boxes. Gordon
shouts at Ramset to take it off; which he does, but ends up finding a bunch of photos of Bate and a Squishy who was
wearing said cloth. Ramset questions Gordon, and he eventually reveals that the Squishy Bate
was with was his deceased wife, Ellie.
Ramset is shocked to learn that Bate was once married. He askes Gordon why Bate never talks about her, or his past
in general. Gordon was hesitant, but ends up telling Ramset about his and Bate's past. Once Gordon was finally finished,
Ramset could partly understand why Bate's become so quite and bitter. He wanted to ask more questions about Bate,
but the elder ended up walking in on them. Both Ram and Gordon were kicked out of the attic as a result. The pair left
Bate, who was still currently in the attic, to clean up the mess they've made.
Pitch Me a Melody Arc
Ramset only appeared near the end of the comic. Gordon was arguing with him how he didn't hear any type
of noise the night Melody was killed. Ramset argues back, saying that it's not his job to surveillance
the forest at night.
After cooling off a bit, Ramset informed Gordon that it was bird who was killed. He explained that it wouldn't
have bothered him, but the way it was killed really urked him. Both stopped talking when they heard the
sound of glass breaking. Ramset turned around and saw Meta next to a broken jar filled with candy.
Before he can say anything, the little Puffball run the opposite direction of the two. Ram talks
to himself out loud, quite confused what just happened. Gordon informs the
oblivious Sasuke that Meta and that bird knew each other.
Torn Chapter Arc
Ramset is approached by a frantic Gordon worrying about the whereabouts of Bate one
day. He tells the Sasuke that he never picked up his medicine and has yet to return. Ramset
shrugs it off and tells him not to worry. He tells Gordon that he's probably with Meta or
something, and that constantly worrying about it would solve nothing.
Just then a huge explosion in Kalmari Forest interrupted the two. Both knew it was Bate
who caused it. Seeing as Ram lives in the forest, he offered to go in and help the elder.
(And also because Bate was his good friend.)
While running through the forest, Ram encounters a Bukiset by the name of Mara.
Both start fighting, and Ramset ends up having the wire of his cochlear implant
severed. Ramset flees the battle as a result and hides in the forest, thinking of
what he should do. He ends up getting caught by Mara and, seeing as he can't
put up much of a fight, loses the battle. He is last seen currently pinned to
a large tree by a bunch of kunais.
Through Sickness and Health Arc
Ramset encountered the Puffball one afternoon in Kalmari Forest. Bate, who wanted to
be left alone at that time, ended up angering Ramset when he told him to get lost. As a
result, Ram threw a smoke bomb at Bate; hoping to scare him. Ramset, who didn't know
about Bate's respiratory ailments at the time, felt a wave of guilt after Gordon had to
take the ill-stricken Puffball to the hospital. It took a few weeks, but Ramset mustered
courage to go and apologize to Bate. Bate accepted Ramset's apology, and both share
a strong friendship.
Ramset has a carefree personality and loves to bug the heck out of his friends. He has
little to no personal boundaries when it comes to them and could be seen seen freely
entering their homes, or even eating off their plates. Ramset lives his life to the fullest
and is extremely welcoming to anyone he incounters. He loves to play jokes, travel to
different towns to sell his fireworks, and boast about his students
to anyone in ears reach.
When it comes to his students, Ramset tries to make each day worth wild. He's more outgoing
than the rest of the teachers and will often, what many consider, very reckless things like
having them handle explosives. While many see Ramset as a loose canon, the Sasuke is
able to calm down and be strict at times. He cares deeply for his students and tries to
instill good morals to them. He knows there are times where joking must be set aside,
and Ramset is able to change his behavior when needed.
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Dragato and Falspar
Ramset decides to take the pair under his wing and show them everything he knows
about evasion, bombs and most importantly, jokes. Both warriors share a tight, friendly
relationship with their teacher. They are seen with him often after class and like the
other warriors, see their mentor as a father figure. Over the years, Ramset's humorous
personality rubbed off on them and all three are seen as the foolish pranksters of Kalmari.
Ramset decides to take the pair under his wing and show them everything he knows
about evasion, bombs and most importantly, jokes. Both warriors share a tight, friendly
relationship with their teacher. They are seen with him often after class and like the
other warriors, see their mentor as a father figure. Over the years, Ramset's humorous
personality rubbed off on them and all three are seen as the foolish pranksters of Kalmari.

Sir Gravel
Gravel is the first friend Ramset ever made when he arrived in Kalmari Town. Both
are very close and can be seen spending time with one another throughout the town.
Ramset cherishes the friendship they have and will do just about anything to make sure
it will always last. Once Gravel's feelings towards him came out, Ramset happily returned
them, and the pair ended up getting married soon after. Even though they don't live
together, Ramset will always visit Gravel and vice versa. They share a powerful bond and
will always be there for each other.
Gravel is the first friend Ramset ever made when he arrived in Kalmari Town. Both
are very close and can be seen spending time with one another throughout the town.
Ramset cherishes the friendship they have and will do just about anything to make sure
it will always last. Once Gravel's feelings towards him came out, Ramset happily returned
them, and the pair ended up getting married soon after. Even though they don't live
together, Ramset will always visit Gravel and vice versa. They share a powerful bond and
will always be there for each other.

Sir Bate
Ramset had a terrible first encounter with Bate in Kalmari Forest. After throwing
a smoke bomb to startle the Puff, Ramset ended up getting pinned to a tree by
Gordon. He was later scolded by the Gordo and ended up learning Bate got
terribly ill from the smoke he inhaled. Guilty from the incident, Ramset eventually
apologize once Bate spotted him in the forest. Over the years, their friendship grew
and even though it may not seem like it, both enjoy each others company and will not
hesitate to come to the others defense if they're in trouble.
Ramset had a terrible first encounter with Bate in Kalmari Forest. After throwing
a smoke bomb to startle the Puff, Ramset ended up getting pinned to a tree by
Gordon. He was later scolded by the Gordo and ended up learning Bate got
terribly ill from the smoke he inhaled. Guilty from the incident, Ramset eventually
apologize once Bate spotted him in the forest. Over the years, their friendship grew
and even though it may not seem like it, both enjoy each others company and will not
hesitate to come to the others defense if they're in trouble.

Sir Gordon
Ramset did not have good relations with Gordon at first. Gordon was on
the verge of killing him during a confrontation with Bate. He threatened
to kill Ramset if he ever got near him or Bate again. Eventually, with Bate's
help, both became (somewhat) friends. As years passed, Gordon put the
incident behind him and now shares a strong friendship with Ram. The
only time they're usually seen together is when Bate's around, or
when they're out drinking.
Ramset did not have good relations with Gordon at first. Gordon was on
the verge of killing him during a confrontation with Bate. He threatened
to kill Ramset if he ever got near him or Bate again. Eventually, with Bate's
help, both became (somewhat) friends. As years passed, Gordon put the
incident behind him and now shares a strong friendship with Ram. The
only time they're usually seen together is when Bate's around, or
when they're out drinking.
-His favorite sweet treat is marshmallows.
-He spends a long time in front of the mirror
grooming himself- mainly his eyebrows.
-When Pyrell gets frustrated, small flares of fire will
shoot out of his mouth when he’s talking.
-When sick, his temperature will go up to an extremely
high degree where no one is able to touch him unless they’re
from a fire type species. His behavior also drastically changes
to the point where he's VERY affectionate towards others.
-While water doesn’t harm him physically, it will drastically
lower his fire ability, which he doesn’t prefer.
-Both Falspar and Pyrell actually met many years ago, before
joining the war. While the memory is foggy, Falspar remembers
seeing him in Star Warrior Temple when he was forming his pact
with his Guardian.
-Unbeknownst to Pyrell, both him and Bero are
blood related. Bero is his grandfather.
Species © Nintendo/ HAL Laboratory
Interpreted characters created from said species © Rhylem
Interpreted characters created from said species © Rhylem