Current Residence
Kalmari Town, West Nova
Extremely strong and can easily
lift with ease.
Unique trait
Due to living in the water for many years, each spike
began to mutate with smaller, thorn like spikes.
Current Residence
Kalmari Town, West Nova
Extremely strong and can easily
lift with ease.
Unique trait
Due to living in the water for many years, each spike
began to mutate with smaller, thorn like spikes.
Sir Nonsurat
(Father) |
(Mother) |
Sir Bate
(Grandfather) |
(Cousin) |
(Cousin) |
(Cousin) |
★Sucessor Of
Sir Gordon

Fire Breathing
Sir Nonsurat
Nonsurat is proud to call Cellic his son, and the small Gordon can clearly see the love and
care he has for him. Cellic greatly admires the old warrior and eagerly accepted to join
his family when he was asked. Cellic is absolutely everything to Nonsurat, and is willing
to do everything to protect him. He also loves to train him so he is able to protect
himself when he or Marlo isn't around.
Even though they are not blood related, Nonsurat showed Cellic that they don't need to
be in order to see one another as father and son. He told him the story of how he was
once raised and cared for by a Gordo named Gordon. Though different in apperence,
Gordon saw him as his son nontheless, and Nonsurat follows in his late mentors footsteps
when he took Cellic under his wing. The small Gordo eventually takes comfort knowing
how the Puff truly feels about him, and resolves his once conflicted feelings.
No matter what anyone says, Cellic will never doubt where he belongs.
He is the son of Nonsurat, and takes great pride in knowing that.
Nonsurat is proud to call Cellic his son, and the small Gordon can clearly see the love and
care he has for him. Cellic greatly admires the old warrior and eagerly accepted to join
his family when he was asked. Cellic is absolutely everything to Nonsurat, and is willing
to do everything to protect him. He also loves to train him so he is able to protect
himself when he or Marlo isn't around.
Even though they are not blood related, Nonsurat showed Cellic that they don't need to
be in order to see one another as father and son. He told him the story of how he was
once raised and cared for by a Gordo named Gordon. Though different in apperence,
Gordon saw him as his son nontheless, and Nonsurat follows in his late mentors footsteps
when he took Cellic under his wing. The small Gordo eventually takes comfort knowing
how the Puff truly feels about him, and resolves his once conflicted feelings.
No matter what anyone says, Cellic will never doubt where he belongs.
He is the son of Nonsurat, and takes great pride in knowing that.
Welcomed with open arms when she and Nonsurat adopted him, the young Gordo became attached
to the Squid. Calm and caring, Cellic will always seek comfort in her arms when he needs guidance.
Although he had conflicted feelings at one point in time because he was not her real son, Marlo
reassured the little Gordo that she will always be his mother no matter what.
Cellic enjoys being around his mother and keeping her company when she's out shopping.
When she needs to travel to deliver cargo to different areas in West Nova, he will sometimes
tag along with her and Nonsurat. If he needs to stay behind, Marlo (as well as Nonsurat) will
always be sure to bring him a gift or souvenir from their travels.
Welcomed with open arms when she and Nonsurat adopted him, the young Gordo became attached
to the Squid. Calm and caring, Cellic will always seek comfort in her arms when he needs guidance.
Although he had conflicted feelings at one point in time because he was not her real son, Marlo
reassured the little Gordo that she will always be his mother no matter what.
Cellic enjoys being around his mother and keeping her company when she's out shopping.
When she needs to travel to deliver cargo to different areas in West Nova, he will sometimes
tag along with her and Nonsurat. If he needs to stay behind, Marlo (as well as Nonsurat) will
always be sure to bring him a gift or souvenir from their travels.

Cellic, like the rest of his cousins, loves to spend at his Grandfathers place
and listen to his stories of the past. He loves to asks him questions about
Gordon as well as the many photos the elder has in his home.
Cellic, like the rest of his cousins, loves to spend at his Grandfathers place
and listen to his stories of the past. He loves to asks him questions about
Gordon as well as the many photos the elder has in his home.
-Cellic doesn't need food nor sleep to survive.
He chooses to do them, however due to personal choice.
He chooses to do them, however due to personal choice.
Species © Nintendo/ HAL Laboratory
Interpreted characters created from said species © Rhylem
Interpreted characters created from said species © Rhylem