A. B.
10 Years Old
Current Residence
Kalmari Town, West Nova
Weapon of choice
His wings
Sir Bate

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Gordon Jr.
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When Bate found his student taking shelter in his work shed during a stormy night,
he and Ellie brought the Koozer in and allowed him to stay until it passed. Bate was
the one who took notice of his unusual behavior, and later found out Atler was
terrified of storms. Atler eventually told the pair about how a horrible Demon
Beast named Kracko flooded and destroyed his past home. Since then, he's
been terrified any time it starts to rain or even lightly sprinkle.
Bate and Ellie offered their home to him anytime it would
pour, which he gladly accepted.
When Bate found his student taking shelter in his work shed during a stormy night,
he and Ellie brought the Koozer in and allowed him to stay until it passed. Bate was
the one who took notice of his unusual behavior, and later found out Atler was
terrified of storms. Atler eventually told the pair about how a horrible Demon
Beast named Kracko flooded and destroyed his past home. Since then, he's
been terrified any time it starts to rain or even lightly sprinkle.
Bate and Ellie offered their home to him anytime it would
pour, which he gladly accepted.
Eye Sight
Without his glasses Atler is nearly blind, and is unable to fly or navigate
even the simplest path. Ellie was the one who realized he had poor
eyesight, and she gifted him a special pair of goggles to help
restore his vision.
The Guardian Wing
Being taught under Bate as his successor, he eventually trained and
learned the steps to perform this powerful move. Like Bate, he will
only use it to protect those close to him. Because he's in good health
unlike his teacher, Atler can perform this move continuously without
any sort of fatigue.
Electric Slice
Along with the Guardian Wing, Bate also taught Atler
how to wield electricity. Storing it in his wings, he's able
to strike his opponents with a lightning-like slice. Quite
powerful, Atler is able to stun and injure his
opponent at the same time.
*Before mastering it, he would accidentally
shock others who were next to him as he was
unable to properly control his electricity.
Being taught under Bate as his successor, he eventually trained and
learned the steps to perform this powerful move. Like Bate, he will
only use it to protect those close to him. Because he's in good health
unlike his teacher, Atler can perform this move continuously without
any sort of fatigue.
Electric Slice
Along with the Guardian Wing, Bate also taught Atler
how to wield electricity. Storing it in his wings, he's able
to strike his opponents with a lightning-like slice. Quite
powerful, Atler is able to stun and injure his
opponent at the same time.
*Before mastering it, he would accidentally
shock others who were next to him as he was
unable to properly control his electricity.
Ice Skating
One of Atler's favorite sports during the cold season is skating in Kalmari Forest's lake.
When it freezes over, the Koozer has a rather large rink to play and practice on. He's
quite skilled at it and loves to impress his teacher and friends every winter. Since
it's one of his favorite hobbies, Bate takes him to South Nova a few times out of
the year so they can both skate together.
Fetched from the ocean, Atler was brought into Kalmari Hospital by one of the local
residents who saw him. Ellie and Alba quickly tended and operated on the young
Koozer, not knowing if he'll survive or not. Several days passed, and the mysterious
bird woke up confused and quite scared. Before Ellie could even greet him, he
jumped out the open window in hopes to escape.
Unfortunately, Atler couldn't fly very far and ended up falling several stories.
Bate, who was heading the hospital to meet Ellie, saw Atler and flew towards
him before he collided to the ground. Realizing this was the bird Ellie was
talking about several days back, he took the now unconscious Koozer
back inside to finish his recovery.
Young and quite rebellious, Atler is a typical pre-teen who'll get into
all sorts of mischief despite Bate's lectures and warnings. He currently
resides in the Forest of Kalmari and trains under Bate as his first student.

Sir Bate
While kind and caring to Ellie, Atler can be a bit of a brat towards Bate, often stealing his mask and
playing keep away from him. He tends to reply with snarky remarks if he finds Bate's rules or lectures
too boring, constantly dozing off during the really long-winded classes. He's quite hasty during training
and wants to learn at a fast pace in order to be just as strong as Bate. He can have a bit of an ego at
times and loves to challenge him to races, thinking he'll surpass him even though they've only been
training for less than a month. His rash personality towards Bate eventually starts to ease up over the
years, and Atler has learned to respect and listen to what his teacher has to say.
Out of class, Atler has a high-spirited personality and love to hang out with Bate whenever he's
free. He slowly reeled back, however, when Bate and Ellie got married, thinking they didn't
want him around anymore once they planned to start a family together. Of course, Bate
knocked some sense into his thickheaded student and told the young Koozer they're all
family, and that his kids will look to their big brother for guidance.
After the unfortunate passing of Ellie, Atler reminded him they're still a family no matter what and
proposed the idea of it being official. He then confessed to Bate that over the years they've been
together, he always saw the elder as a father. He says to the Puff that even though he was unable to
have a family with Ellie, maybe he could be the son he'd always wanted. Bate, though still saddened,
is quite happy to hear Atler's words. He embraces the Koozer and tells him that Ellie would be proud
to know that he now has a son to watch over him.
While kind and caring to Ellie, Atler can be a bit of a brat towards Bate, often stealing his mask and
playing keep away from him. He tends to reply with snarky remarks if he finds Bate's rules or lectures
too boring, constantly dozing off during the really long-winded classes. He's quite hasty during training
and wants to learn at a fast pace in order to be just as strong as Bate. He can have a bit of an ego at
times and loves to challenge him to races, thinking he'll surpass him even though they've only been
training for less than a month. His rash personality towards Bate eventually starts to ease up over the
years, and Atler has learned to respect and listen to what his teacher has to say.
Out of class, Atler has a high-spirited personality and love to hang out with Bate whenever he's
free. He slowly reeled back, however, when Bate and Ellie got married, thinking they didn't
want him around anymore once they planned to start a family together. Of course, Bate
knocked some sense into his thickheaded student and told the young Koozer they're all
family, and that his kids will look to their big brother for guidance.
After the unfortunate passing of Ellie, Atler reminded him they're still a family no matter what and
proposed the idea of it being official. He then confessed to Bate that over the years they've been
together, he always saw the elder as a father. He says to the Puff that even though he was unable to
have a family with Ellie, maybe he could be the son he'd always wanted. Bate, though still saddened,
is quite happy to hear Atler's words. He embraces the Koozer and tells him that Ellie would be proud
to know that he now has a son to watch over him.

Being healed by Ellie when he first arrived, Atler greatly respects the Squishy and tries to
be on his best behavior when she's around. Like Bate, Atler sees her as a parental guide
and loves to be around her when she's not busy. He is also quite protective of her, and will
do anything in his power to make sure she's safe. Atler never admits seeing her as a mother
figure while she was alive, and regrets not saying it after he found out she passed away.
He hopes, somehow, she knew how he felt about her.
Being healed by Ellie when he first arrived, Atler greatly respects the Squishy and tries to
be on his best behavior when she's around. Like Bate, Atler sees her as a parental guide
and loves to be around her when she's not busy. He is also quite protective of her, and will
do anything in his power to make sure she's safe. Atler never admits seeing her as a mother
figure while she was alive, and regrets not saying it after he found out she passed away.
He hopes, somehow, she knew how he felt about her.

Sir Gordon
Being the best friend of his teacher, Atler got to know Gordon quite well.
He can be a bit of a brat towards the Gordo as well, but never crosses a
certain point knowing how strong he is, as well as how many hands he's
able to summon. He sees him as a companion like the others and
even gave him the nickname "Spiky." (Before the arrival of Ramset.)
Being the best friend of his teacher, Atler got to know Gordon quite well.
He can be a bit of a brat towards the Gordo as well, but never crosses a
certain point knowing how strong he is, as well as how many hands he's
able to summon. He sees him as a companion like the others and
even gave him the nickname "Spiky." (Before the arrival of Ramset.)

Gordon Jr.
Atler loves to be around Jr. due to the small Gordo following and obeying
him like a faithful dog. Because he's never heard him speak before, Atler
assumes what he wants most of the time. Even though Jr. does what anyone
asks of him, Atler still thinks highly of his communication skills with the toddler.
Similar to Gordon, he gave him a nickname, and calls him "Ribbons" due
to the bow tied to his spike.
Atler loves to be around Jr. due to the small Gordo following and obeying
him like a faithful dog. Because he's never heard him speak before, Atler
assumes what he wants most of the time. Even though Jr. does what anyone
asks of him, Atler still thinks highly of his communication skills with the toddler.
Similar to Gordon, he gave him a nickname, and calls him "Ribbons" due
to the bow tied to his spike.

Like Ellie, Atler respects Alba since she was the doctor who helped him during
his recovery. He often sees her since she's friends with Bate, Gordon, and Ellie,
and they all tend to hang out together. He sees her as one of his close friends
and someone he could go to if Bate or Ellie aren't around.
Like Ellie, Atler respects Alba since she was the doctor who helped him during
his recovery. He often sees her since she's friends with Bate, Gordon, and Ellie,
and they all tend to hang out together. He sees her as one of his close friends
and someone he could go to if Bate or Ellie aren't around.

Being the brother of Alba, Atler sees Elliot quite often as well. Like Bate, Atler is
a tad bit snarky and prankish towards the Squid. Of course, he does consider
Elliot a friend like everyone else and enjoys his company. When he found
out he passed away, he was truly heartbroken over the loss.
Being the brother of Alba, Atler sees Elliot quite often as well. Like Bate, Atler is
a tad bit snarky and prankish towards the Squid. Of course, he does consider
Elliot a friend like everyone else and enjoys his company. When he found
out he passed away, he was truly heartbroken over the loss.
★Guardian of the Stars Arc
During Guardian of the Stars, Atler makes an appearance along with Elliot
and Melody. He was quickly embraced by Bate and both began to cry from
being reunited after so many years apart. Atler was shocked he remembers
him and explains he never talks nor visits him anymore. Bate apologizes and
tells his family how the loss of everyone greatly effected him and he couldn't
bear the thought of even thinking of them. When Bate's Warp Star finally healed,
and now knowing how his dad felt, Atler asks him to take care and watch over
his new family, as well as his old home of Kalmari Forest.
-Atler is fluent in Chirp like Bate and is
able to understand and speak to him.
- He is able to navigate quite well in the dark and can easily fly
through the massive thicket of Kalmari Forest during the late hour.
-Like Gordon, he is terrified of spiders and is even known to use
his electricity when one comes close to him.
-He is a very good at swimming and loves diving into
the lake or ocean to catch fish for himself.
-Atler is fluent in Chirp like Bate and is
able to understand and speak to him.
- He is able to navigate quite well in the dark and can easily fly
through the massive thicket of Kalmari Forest during the late hour.
-Like Gordon, he is terrified of spiders and is even known to use
his electricity when one comes close to him.
-He is a very good at swimming and loves diving into
the lake or ocean to catch fish for himself.
Species © Nintendo/ HAL Laboratory
Interpreted characters created from said species © Rhylem
Interpreted characters created from said species © Rhylem