Artist Comment:
July 1, 2013
Old, scrapped comic. This will be remade to a new chapter called "NOVA's Paradox." Gala will still be in as well as the candles and many other things! The candles AKA Spirit Candles have the ablilty to control the user at will. One of my top favorite concepts for Gumball Warrior. >v<
July 1, 2013
Old, scrapped comic. This will be remade to a new chapter called "NOVA's Paradox." Gala will still be in as well as the candles and many other things! The candles AKA Spirit Candles have the ablilty to control the user at will. One of my top favorite concepts for Gumball Warrior. >v<
Species © Nintendo/ HAL Laboratory
Interpreted characters created from said species © Rhylem
Interpreted characters created from said species © Rhylem