“You have no control here, Pyrell. You WILL obey my orders. If that means I have to
beat you to an inch of your life every day to make that sentiment clear, then I will."
beat you to an inch of your life every day to make that sentiment clear, then I will."
Artist Comment:
November 17, 2022
Sometimes the monsters in my series look nothing like Demon Beasts. Evil has the ability to take the form of many different faces. The face you see in this illustration is one of them.
This is Rizen- evil at its purest form. A being so vile, so wicked- not even some of the worst Demon Beasts in my series could compare. He has done terrible, unspeakable things- Things that have left a permanent scar to those who have endured his wrath.
Below is a small passage of one of his survivors- Lord Pyrell.
WARNING: Contains sensitive, upsetting topics. Please do not read if you’re not comfortable with severe child abuse, torture, death, and exploitation of a minor.
With that out of the way, if you’d like to know more about Pyrell’s past, and the reason why he behaves in such a way during the GSA arc, please read below.
A Star Warrior is seen as a beacon of hope. A bright light during a reign of darkness. Many have come to respect and worship them as heroes and saviors. For Pyrell, it couldn’t be far from such a reality. He sees the title of Star Warrior as a curse. He will tell you it has caused him nothing but pain and misery in his life - For if he was never born with the title, his world would not have been a living hell for over a decade. (Of course, this does NOT apply to Drani. Pyrell claims he will endure hell and back for Drani. Drani is the only bright light during his days of pure darkness)
With that being said, let’s start off with Pyrell’s origin-
Pyrell comes from a small, but powerful clan. Azai, his mother, and his Grandfather Bero (The clan leader) have some of the strongest Leos in East Nova due to a powerful bloodline that stems all the way back to the Legendary three.
Rizen is a rogue tyrant who appears one day to challenge said clan. His past is shrouded in mystery, but he is described as a very powerful Leo for a thirst for blood and fighting. The battle between Rizen and Bero’s clan is fierce, but it only takes less than a day for Rizen to slaughter and wipe out the entire clan. Bero and Azai are the last two of their once thriving village. When Rizen is about to deliver the killing blow to Bero, Azai steps in and begs for Rizen to spare his life. They will give him whatever he wants in return for his mercy.
Rizen would eventually spare both, but in return, he demands Azai to produce an heir for him. He wants to have a child with the clan's powerful bloodline, so he can raise and train him to be his successor. He will form a new clan of fighters, so he can conquer the remaining Leo villages scattered across East Nova. Azai hesitantly agrees to said conditions, and several months later, she gives birth to little Pyrell.
Azai ends up passing away from the birth, so Rizen is forced to care for the infant until he’s old enough to start training. Pyrell is born with something called “The Surge” It’s a condition that makes his fire very dangerous and uncontrollable. It causes his fire to spike to dangerous levels on the hottest day of the year. A fully grown Leo with the condition has the ability to kill many, and even destroy whole towns. It’s a VERY rare condition that first appeared during the reign of the Legendary Three. Over centuries, many Burning Leos do not have said condition anymore. Pyrell is the first Leo in many decades to have it.
***A major side effect to ‘The Surge’ is temperament. If Pyrell is pushed to a certain limit, emotionally, he’ll blackout and go on a full bloodbath rampage. (Drani and his Grandfather are the only one who is able to calm him down and stop him.)
Rizen does not know his son has the condition, and assumes his son is weak and frail for not being able to properly control his fire during training. He would constantly beat and abuse Pyrell to force him to get his fire under control. When nothing seems to work, he gives up his parental ownership to Bero. He claims the bloodline in the child is weak, and he has no use for a defected child.
Bero would care for young Pyrell as a result. It has taken many months to help the child overcome his mental and physical scars of Rizen’s abuse, but over time, he has helped train Pyrell to control his fire, as well as his temperament. Bero is very calm, patient and wise, so naturally Pyrell ends up adopting the same behavior as the old Leo. During Pyrell’s ’Surge’ episodes, Bero will always be there to help calm and reassure Pyrell. He knows how dangerous and unpredictable his fire becomes, but he also knows how terrified and scared Pyrell is during his episode. The elder will always stay and help Pyrell get through it. Having Bero by his side leaves a positive impression on the little Leo. It’s the first time in Pyrell’s life where he truly feels safe and loved.
Bero is also the only one who knows Pyrell is a Star Warrior. He has kept this secret from Rizen for Pyrell’s protection. It’s not until a few years later does Bero finally reveal to Pyrell what he really is. Due to Bero’s old age, he decides to take Pyrell to where Drani is kept- In the care of Lady Atka at an old Star Warrior temple in West Nova. Bero wants to raise Pyrell and Drani together so she’ll be able to take care and oversee Pyrell if something were to happen to him.
Having Drani around has made a huge impact on Pyrell. He now has a friend and partner to rely on. They formed their bond quite early, (which is very uncommon) but Lady Atka allows it due to their circumstances. Unfortunately, their Warp Star cracks after the bond is formed. No one aside from Atka knows why. She doesn’t not tell them directly- only informing Bero that young Pyrell has a very difficult journey ahead of him.
(**Because their Warp Star is cracked, Pyrell, nor Drani is able to summon it.)
Rizen ends up finding out about Pyrell’s Star Warrior status later on, and demands custody back. (Pyrell is around 8 now) Bero refuses and does everything to protect the pair, but he ends up getting killed by Rizen. Pyrell watches in horror as his mentor, friend and father figure dies right before his eyes. Pyrell doesn’t have time to mourn as Rizen forcefully takes him away. Drani quickly fights back and attacks Rizen in response. Pyrell is able to slip out of his grasp thanks to Drani, and the pair end up escaping. After spending the whole afternoon running, Pyrell and Drani seek shelter in a small cavern for the rest of the night. Drani helps comfort a now heartbroken Pyrell. They are now alone in the world- only the other for company and support.
Several days pass before the pair feel the toll of not having a parental figure by their side. No food, no money, no supplies. Pyrell orders Drani to stay in the cavern, while he heads back to Bero's home to gather all of their important belongings. He promises to return, and they can start a new life in West Nova. He tells her the Sphere Doomer who once helped them form their bond will hopefully take them in- Maybe she can even adopt them if she hears their story, he says. Drani obeys, and patiently waits for him to return.
Pyrell does his best to sneak into the house Bero raised him in, but as he was collecting various belongings and food for the long trip ahead, Rizen appears from behind in one of the rooms and knocks him out.
Pyrell wakes chained up in a small cell several hours later- injured and confused. When he sees Rizen sitting on the other side of the cell door, what little hope Pyrell has of starting a new life with his Guardian is gone. When Rizen notices he’s finally gained consciousness, he tells a terrified Pyrell from this day going forward, he’s going to train him to be his next successor. And if he doesn’t obey his every order, he’ll search and kill the only family member he has left, (Drani)
Drani ends up finding Pyrell (Cause they’re linked / bond as Guardian and Star Warrior) but she’s not strong enough to break through the heavy iron-bar window. Pyrell tells her to run away and keep hidden for now. He’ll eventually escape, but he’s going to have to bide his time until he’s strong enough to overpower him. He promises he’ll be okay as long as she’s safe. Drani hesitates, but follows his orders and disappears into the night.
For the next several years, Pyrell is put under intense pressure and abuse from his father to turn him into a bloodthirsty fighting machine. Pyrell’s temperament returns, and Rizen would use that to intensify his son’s lust for fighting. During the hottest day of the year, (When the Surge happens) Rizen doesn’t calm him down like Bero used to, but instead, fuels it so Pyrell becomes an unhinged, emotionless tyrant. It has put a heavy emotional toll on Pyrell during these episodes, and he’s often seen biting his hand to help ease his stress, and calm him down.
If Pyrell disobeys or challenges Rizen, he will throw buckets of ice cold water on him so his fire ability would go out before entering the cell to beat him. Pyrell has many scars on his arms and back from trying to shield himself.
When Pyrell grows older, Rizen begins exploiting him in other ways. He knows how rare and valuable Star Warriors are, and he wants to take advantage of Pyrell’s status. Rizen knows Star Warriors have a very high chance of their offspring adopting said title. For a price, Rizen would allow any Leo to be with Pyrell, and possibly have the rare opportunity of raising a Star Warrior of their very own.
This is when Pyrell starts to fight back against Rizen once he realizes what he's planning. But no matter how hard Pyrell fights, Rizen would always gain the upper hand each time. Pyrell would be heavily drugged and bound during each session since he refuses to partake in his demands, but due to his high temperament, Pyrell will often struggle, bite and fight most of the Leos who would get near him. This is also why Pyrell absolutely, positively HATES to be touched. He will immediately, without a second thought, sucker punch anyone who puts a hand on him unsuspectingly. It’s a mental trigger he has up until he married Falspar. He’s learned to overcome it after the adoption of Tula and the passing of Ramset.
Pyrell lived in absolute hell for the last several years before finally escaping. On the day he escapes, Rizen ends up going off on Pyrell after he bites another customer. Said customer is a very rich, noble Leo who paid a lot for Pyrell’s services. After throwing several buckets of water on him, Rizen beats him so bad, Pyrell ends up loses conciseness. When Pyrell wakes up, he hears a voice calling out for him. Pyrell recognizes the voice instantly, and realizes it’s Drani. (Drani intervened to try to stop Rizen from beating his master earlier that day, but she was overpowered and captured as a result.)
Pyrell looks on in absolute horror when he sees the scene before him. Drani is caged up, and Rizen is holding the metal cage above a large basin of water. Rizen tells Pyrell he should’ve listen to him- And now, his Guardian is going to pay the ultimate price for his actions. Pyrell begs for Rizen to let her go, but Rizen pays little attention to his pleas, and thrusts the cage into the basin to drown Drani. He would hold it down for a minute, before pulling it back up for a few seconds before dunking it again. Rizen would continue doing this to Drani for several more agonizing minutes.
Hearing his Guardian crying and begging for help, and then finally seeing her body eventually become motionless - Pyrell ultimately snaps.
Pyrell blacks out from rage, but Drani partially remembers seeing the scene unfold before her. She remembers Rizen dropping the cage on the floor after the intense heat Pyrell was giving off. (The cage broke and Drani is set free) The metal bars and chains keeping Pyrell at bay melted before Pyrell lunges at Rizen with the fury of a manic, unhinged demon beast. Pyrell grabs a brick discarded on the floor, and uses it to bash and smash Rizen. In that moment, Drani could not recognize her master. She’s become frozen in her spot as she watches Pyrell deliver blow by blow before Rizen stops moving.
Pyrell loses consciousness soon after, and Drani stays by her master’s side until he wakes up late in the night. By that time, Drani has done her best to clean her master of any blood during the exchange. At first, Pyrell is fearful when he sees Drani, and tells her to get out of her before Rizen sees her. Drani realizes Pyrell doesn’t remember the incident with Rizen several hours back. She tells Pyrell he doesn’t have to worry anymore. She tells him that he saved her; how she was captured by Rizen, and how she almost died if not for him. She leaves out most of the gory details, for Pyrell’s sake. When Pyrell asks about Rizen, Drani directs him to something covered in a blood-soaked blanket not too far away. It takes a moment for reality to catch up to Pyrell, but he eventually understands what he’s done. Without giving Rizen a second glance, Pyrell gently takes Drani in his grasp, and walks out of the cellar for the first time in nearly a decade.
Pyrell and Drani would leave East Nova and never return. He sets Bero’s home on fire, as well as Rizen’s home. Although Pyrell does his best to put the past behind him, years of trauma and abuse have greatly impacted Pyrell. He has trouble adjusting, and communicating with others after being isolated for many years. He can’t be around large groups, and will have constant panic attacks if he feels too suffocated around them. He is also very guarded, and doesn’t trust anyone but Drani. But despite that, Pyrell does his best to provide for the both of them. Unfortunately, during their travels, Drani falls severely ill. Pyrell would venture out alone to get food to help build her strength up, but with little to no money to his name, he would have to resort to stealing more often than not. Most of the food would go to Drani, and as a result, Pyrell is left weak and famished most of the time. Drani will often worry, but Pyrell will always put a smile on his face and tell her he’s fine.
Their travels would last less than a year due to an exceptionally bad rain storm that will eventually change the course of their lives forever. Once the rain storm hit, Pyrell sought shelter in an old work shed. Thought to be abandoned due to how worn and unkempt the place is, Pyrell claims this will be their new home for now. It may not look much, but having a roof over their head is better than nothing, Pyrell claims. Drani doesn't have the energy to respond back, so Pyrell gently places her on a stack of hay and stays by her side throughout the night.
The next morning, Pyrell is woken by a pair of shouts and screams. Before he has time to register what's going on, something hits him hard on the side of his head. It turns out the shed is not abandoned, and the owners of said shed assume Pyrell and Drani are robbers. Once they direct an attack towards Drani, Pyrell instantly flips, and brutally maims one of them, as well as setting their whole shed on fire. Only caring about the safety of Drani, Pyrell flees the area and runs as far as he's able to.
With Drani’s health not improving, as well as receiving a broken wing from the incident, Pyrell makes the decision to join the GSA. With no food, no money, and no home, Pyrell sees it as his only option. He knows she will be given the care and attention she needs until she’s fully recovered, while he can build up his strength again while earning an income.
It doesn’t take long for Pyrell to move up in ranks. Many describe him as an unstoppable war machine- easily being able to defeat enemies twice his size. They also know to stay away from him, and to NEVER get near the salmon colored bird perched on his pauldron. Pyrell soon becomes captain of his very own squad, which has Garlude and Jecra. Almost a year later, a new group of soldiers will join his squad- one of them being Falspar.
When Meta and co realizes Pyrell’s also a Star Warrior, they warmly greet him since they’ve never met another Star Warrior, other than Bate. Pyrell ignores them without a second thought. The way they talk to him, and how they throw that title around like it’s a badge of honor….They have no idea what that title has done to him. Pyrell will keep his distance from them like all the others. Star Warrior or not, they are no different in his eyes.
Pyrell will continue to stay in the GSA with Drani by his side until they're able to purchase place to call their own.
November 17, 2022
Sometimes the monsters in my series look nothing like Demon Beasts. Evil has the ability to take the form of many different faces. The face you see in this illustration is one of them.
This is Rizen- evil at its purest form. A being so vile, so wicked- not even some of the worst Demon Beasts in my series could compare. He has done terrible, unspeakable things- Things that have left a permanent scar to those who have endured his wrath.
Below is a small passage of one of his survivors- Lord Pyrell.
WARNING: Contains sensitive, upsetting topics. Please do not read if you’re not comfortable with severe child abuse, torture, death, and exploitation of a minor.
With that out of the way, if you’d like to know more about Pyrell’s past, and the reason why he behaves in such a way during the GSA arc, please read below.
A Star Warrior is seen as a beacon of hope. A bright light during a reign of darkness. Many have come to respect and worship them as heroes and saviors. For Pyrell, it couldn’t be far from such a reality. He sees the title of Star Warrior as a curse. He will tell you it has caused him nothing but pain and misery in his life - For if he was never born with the title, his world would not have been a living hell for over a decade. (Of course, this does NOT apply to Drani. Pyrell claims he will endure hell and back for Drani. Drani is the only bright light during his days of pure darkness)
With that being said, let’s start off with Pyrell’s origin-
Pyrell comes from a small, but powerful clan. Azai, his mother, and his Grandfather Bero (The clan leader) have some of the strongest Leos in East Nova due to a powerful bloodline that stems all the way back to the Legendary three.
Rizen is a rogue tyrant who appears one day to challenge said clan. His past is shrouded in mystery, but he is described as a very powerful Leo for a thirst for blood and fighting. The battle between Rizen and Bero’s clan is fierce, but it only takes less than a day for Rizen to slaughter and wipe out the entire clan. Bero and Azai are the last two of their once thriving village. When Rizen is about to deliver the killing blow to Bero, Azai steps in and begs for Rizen to spare his life. They will give him whatever he wants in return for his mercy.
Rizen would eventually spare both, but in return, he demands Azai to produce an heir for him. He wants to have a child with the clan's powerful bloodline, so he can raise and train him to be his successor. He will form a new clan of fighters, so he can conquer the remaining Leo villages scattered across East Nova. Azai hesitantly agrees to said conditions, and several months later, she gives birth to little Pyrell.
Azai ends up passing away from the birth, so Rizen is forced to care for the infant until he’s old enough to start training. Pyrell is born with something called “The Surge” It’s a condition that makes his fire very dangerous and uncontrollable. It causes his fire to spike to dangerous levels on the hottest day of the year. A fully grown Leo with the condition has the ability to kill many, and even destroy whole towns. It’s a VERY rare condition that first appeared during the reign of the Legendary Three. Over centuries, many Burning Leos do not have said condition anymore. Pyrell is the first Leo in many decades to have it.
***A major side effect to ‘The Surge’ is temperament. If Pyrell is pushed to a certain limit, emotionally, he’ll blackout and go on a full bloodbath rampage. (Drani and his Grandfather are the only one who is able to calm him down and stop him.)
Rizen does not know his son has the condition, and assumes his son is weak and frail for not being able to properly control his fire during training. He would constantly beat and abuse Pyrell to force him to get his fire under control. When nothing seems to work, he gives up his parental ownership to Bero. He claims the bloodline in the child is weak, and he has no use for a defected child.
Bero would care for young Pyrell as a result. It has taken many months to help the child overcome his mental and physical scars of Rizen’s abuse, but over time, he has helped train Pyrell to control his fire, as well as his temperament. Bero is very calm, patient and wise, so naturally Pyrell ends up adopting the same behavior as the old Leo. During Pyrell’s ’Surge’ episodes, Bero will always be there to help calm and reassure Pyrell. He knows how dangerous and unpredictable his fire becomes, but he also knows how terrified and scared Pyrell is during his episode. The elder will always stay and help Pyrell get through it. Having Bero by his side leaves a positive impression on the little Leo. It’s the first time in Pyrell’s life where he truly feels safe and loved.
Bero is also the only one who knows Pyrell is a Star Warrior. He has kept this secret from Rizen for Pyrell’s protection. It’s not until a few years later does Bero finally reveal to Pyrell what he really is. Due to Bero’s old age, he decides to take Pyrell to where Drani is kept- In the care of Lady Atka at an old Star Warrior temple in West Nova. Bero wants to raise Pyrell and Drani together so she’ll be able to take care and oversee Pyrell if something were to happen to him.
Having Drani around has made a huge impact on Pyrell. He now has a friend and partner to rely on. They formed their bond quite early, (which is very uncommon) but Lady Atka allows it due to their circumstances. Unfortunately, their Warp Star cracks after the bond is formed. No one aside from Atka knows why. She doesn’t not tell them directly- only informing Bero that young Pyrell has a very difficult journey ahead of him.
(**Because their Warp Star is cracked, Pyrell, nor Drani is able to summon it.)
Rizen ends up finding out about Pyrell’s Star Warrior status later on, and demands custody back. (Pyrell is around 8 now) Bero refuses and does everything to protect the pair, but he ends up getting killed by Rizen. Pyrell watches in horror as his mentor, friend and father figure dies right before his eyes. Pyrell doesn’t have time to mourn as Rizen forcefully takes him away. Drani quickly fights back and attacks Rizen in response. Pyrell is able to slip out of his grasp thanks to Drani, and the pair end up escaping. After spending the whole afternoon running, Pyrell and Drani seek shelter in a small cavern for the rest of the night. Drani helps comfort a now heartbroken Pyrell. They are now alone in the world- only the other for company and support.
Several days pass before the pair feel the toll of not having a parental figure by their side. No food, no money, no supplies. Pyrell orders Drani to stay in the cavern, while he heads back to Bero's home to gather all of their important belongings. He promises to return, and they can start a new life in West Nova. He tells her the Sphere Doomer who once helped them form their bond will hopefully take them in- Maybe she can even adopt them if she hears their story, he says. Drani obeys, and patiently waits for him to return.
Pyrell does his best to sneak into the house Bero raised him in, but as he was collecting various belongings and food for the long trip ahead, Rizen appears from behind in one of the rooms and knocks him out.
Pyrell wakes chained up in a small cell several hours later- injured and confused. When he sees Rizen sitting on the other side of the cell door, what little hope Pyrell has of starting a new life with his Guardian is gone. When Rizen notices he’s finally gained consciousness, he tells a terrified Pyrell from this day going forward, he’s going to train him to be his next successor. And if he doesn’t obey his every order, he’ll search and kill the only family member he has left, (Drani)
Drani ends up finding Pyrell (Cause they’re linked / bond as Guardian and Star Warrior) but she’s not strong enough to break through the heavy iron-bar window. Pyrell tells her to run away and keep hidden for now. He’ll eventually escape, but he’s going to have to bide his time until he’s strong enough to overpower him. He promises he’ll be okay as long as she’s safe. Drani hesitates, but follows his orders and disappears into the night.
For the next several years, Pyrell is put under intense pressure and abuse from his father to turn him into a bloodthirsty fighting machine. Pyrell’s temperament returns, and Rizen would use that to intensify his son’s lust for fighting. During the hottest day of the year, (When the Surge happens) Rizen doesn’t calm him down like Bero used to, but instead, fuels it so Pyrell becomes an unhinged, emotionless tyrant. It has put a heavy emotional toll on Pyrell during these episodes, and he’s often seen biting his hand to help ease his stress, and calm him down.
If Pyrell disobeys or challenges Rizen, he will throw buckets of ice cold water on him so his fire ability would go out before entering the cell to beat him. Pyrell has many scars on his arms and back from trying to shield himself.
When Pyrell grows older, Rizen begins exploiting him in other ways. He knows how rare and valuable Star Warriors are, and he wants to take advantage of Pyrell’s status. Rizen knows Star Warriors have a very high chance of their offspring adopting said title. For a price, Rizen would allow any Leo to be with Pyrell, and possibly have the rare opportunity of raising a Star Warrior of their very own.
This is when Pyrell starts to fight back against Rizen once he realizes what he's planning. But no matter how hard Pyrell fights, Rizen would always gain the upper hand each time. Pyrell would be heavily drugged and bound during each session since he refuses to partake in his demands, but due to his high temperament, Pyrell will often struggle, bite and fight most of the Leos who would get near him. This is also why Pyrell absolutely, positively HATES to be touched. He will immediately, without a second thought, sucker punch anyone who puts a hand on him unsuspectingly. It’s a mental trigger he has up until he married Falspar. He’s learned to overcome it after the adoption of Tula and the passing of Ramset.
Pyrell lived in absolute hell for the last several years before finally escaping. On the day he escapes, Rizen ends up going off on Pyrell after he bites another customer. Said customer is a very rich, noble Leo who paid a lot for Pyrell’s services. After throwing several buckets of water on him, Rizen beats him so bad, Pyrell ends up loses conciseness. When Pyrell wakes up, he hears a voice calling out for him. Pyrell recognizes the voice instantly, and realizes it’s Drani. (Drani intervened to try to stop Rizen from beating his master earlier that day, but she was overpowered and captured as a result.)
Pyrell looks on in absolute horror when he sees the scene before him. Drani is caged up, and Rizen is holding the metal cage above a large basin of water. Rizen tells Pyrell he should’ve listen to him- And now, his Guardian is going to pay the ultimate price for his actions. Pyrell begs for Rizen to let her go, but Rizen pays little attention to his pleas, and thrusts the cage into the basin to drown Drani. He would hold it down for a minute, before pulling it back up for a few seconds before dunking it again. Rizen would continue doing this to Drani for several more agonizing minutes.
Hearing his Guardian crying and begging for help, and then finally seeing her body eventually become motionless - Pyrell ultimately snaps.
Pyrell blacks out from rage, but Drani partially remembers seeing the scene unfold before her. She remembers Rizen dropping the cage on the floor after the intense heat Pyrell was giving off. (The cage broke and Drani is set free) The metal bars and chains keeping Pyrell at bay melted before Pyrell lunges at Rizen with the fury of a manic, unhinged demon beast. Pyrell grabs a brick discarded on the floor, and uses it to bash and smash Rizen. In that moment, Drani could not recognize her master. She’s become frozen in her spot as she watches Pyrell deliver blow by blow before Rizen stops moving.
Pyrell loses consciousness soon after, and Drani stays by her master’s side until he wakes up late in the night. By that time, Drani has done her best to clean her master of any blood during the exchange. At first, Pyrell is fearful when he sees Drani, and tells her to get out of her before Rizen sees her. Drani realizes Pyrell doesn’t remember the incident with Rizen several hours back. She tells Pyrell he doesn’t have to worry anymore. She tells him that he saved her; how she was captured by Rizen, and how she almost died if not for him. She leaves out most of the gory details, for Pyrell’s sake. When Pyrell asks about Rizen, Drani directs him to something covered in a blood-soaked blanket not too far away. It takes a moment for reality to catch up to Pyrell, but he eventually understands what he’s done. Without giving Rizen a second glance, Pyrell gently takes Drani in his grasp, and walks out of the cellar for the first time in nearly a decade.
Pyrell and Drani would leave East Nova and never return. He sets Bero’s home on fire, as well as Rizen’s home. Although Pyrell does his best to put the past behind him, years of trauma and abuse have greatly impacted Pyrell. He has trouble adjusting, and communicating with others after being isolated for many years. He can’t be around large groups, and will have constant panic attacks if he feels too suffocated around them. He is also very guarded, and doesn’t trust anyone but Drani. But despite that, Pyrell does his best to provide for the both of them. Unfortunately, during their travels, Drani falls severely ill. Pyrell would venture out alone to get food to help build her strength up, but with little to no money to his name, he would have to resort to stealing more often than not. Most of the food would go to Drani, and as a result, Pyrell is left weak and famished most of the time. Drani will often worry, but Pyrell will always put a smile on his face and tell her he’s fine.
Their travels would last less than a year due to an exceptionally bad rain storm that will eventually change the course of their lives forever. Once the rain storm hit, Pyrell sought shelter in an old work shed. Thought to be abandoned due to how worn and unkempt the place is, Pyrell claims this will be their new home for now. It may not look much, but having a roof over their head is better than nothing, Pyrell claims. Drani doesn't have the energy to respond back, so Pyrell gently places her on a stack of hay and stays by her side throughout the night.
The next morning, Pyrell is woken by a pair of shouts and screams. Before he has time to register what's going on, something hits him hard on the side of his head. It turns out the shed is not abandoned, and the owners of said shed assume Pyrell and Drani are robbers. Once they direct an attack towards Drani, Pyrell instantly flips, and brutally maims one of them, as well as setting their whole shed on fire. Only caring about the safety of Drani, Pyrell flees the area and runs as far as he's able to.
With Drani’s health not improving, as well as receiving a broken wing from the incident, Pyrell makes the decision to join the GSA. With no food, no money, and no home, Pyrell sees it as his only option. He knows she will be given the care and attention she needs until she’s fully recovered, while he can build up his strength again while earning an income.
It doesn’t take long for Pyrell to move up in ranks. Many describe him as an unstoppable war machine- easily being able to defeat enemies twice his size. They also know to stay away from him, and to NEVER get near the salmon colored bird perched on his pauldron. Pyrell soon becomes captain of his very own squad, which has Garlude and Jecra. Almost a year later, a new group of soldiers will join his squad- one of them being Falspar.
When Meta and co realizes Pyrell’s also a Star Warrior, they warmly greet him since they’ve never met another Star Warrior, other than Bate. Pyrell ignores them without a second thought. The way they talk to him, and how they throw that title around like it’s a badge of honor….They have no idea what that title has done to him. Pyrell will keep his distance from them like all the others. Star Warrior or not, they are no different in his eyes.
Pyrell will continue to stay in the GSA with Drani by his side until they're able to purchase place to call their own.
Species © Nintendo/ HAL Laboratory
Interpreted characters created from said species © Rhylem
Interpreted characters created from said species © Rhylem