Artist Comment:
Date: 11-18-2020
Oh, man, where to even begin with this page. There are so many things happening, and would you believe it there's only 5 pages left!! AND this isn't even the crème de la crème! Sit back and hang on!
I think I should've posted this description for the NEXT page, but I think most of you know who this is....unless you don't, then keep reading below! XDDD
Let's start off with the basics. Lady Atka's back!!! If you guys remembered in Page 7 of "A Series of Reunions" she suddenly disappeared, but Bate reassured a frantic Meta that she'll be okay. And here she is!!! It looks like she was defrosting Lucian. AND if you don't remember that scene, it was from Page 19 of "One Million Voices." Lady Atka protected Bate and encased Lucian in a huge pillar of ice. It looks like she went back to help them AND NOW COMES TO OUR NEXT HUGE REVEAL!!!
The demon frog and Lucian???? Wait, that...LUNA? All this time? Even waaaay back in the first chapter, Lucian was Luna?
Wait, who is Luna? If you've been reading from the start, I won't blame you if it slipped your mind. I'll link a few pages juuust in case you need a quick refresher.
Luna (AKA Lucian) appeared in the ending of the first chapter of "Operation Nonsurat." Though we only just a small glimpse of them. OH! And all three shadows HAVE been revealed. "Mara, Lucian and Shieff." Took long enough, hahah!
The second time we see Luna was in a small flashback in Chapter 2 "Dodge N' Burn" Page 3! Not much was given here, but from the text, it was assumed SOMETHING happened to her. And look, you can see Shieff in the bg too. oAo;
LET'S GOOO! Chapter 8! "Torn Chapter" Page 1!! Right off the bat we see a flashback of Luna and Bate. It was shown that they were not only friends, but she was the one who gifted Bate his mask!!! The fact that Bate still wears the same design shows that he really does care for his friend. THAT, and the design is really cool, haha! n
In the same chapter, Page 5, we see ANOTHER flash back. WOW! Look at Shieff, he looks so chonky! XDDD I'm glad my art improved since I posted that back in 2014. But more importantly, Shieff told Bate she's dead. And that's the end of Luna's story, right?
Ya'll remember the Demon Frog? I posted it in several chapters, ahh... HERE and HERE!
The first being from "The Bird and The Squid. (Page 32) Right on top of his wing! And the other from "The Bird and The Knight!" (Similar titles and reveals? Coincidence? I think not!!!!)
By the looks of it, Shieff was experimenting with this particular Demon Beast. Luna was changed into Lucian long ago, but Bate managed to fight off it's control. He has no memory of it, but he was still able to free himself. Maybe Star Warrior's have the ability to fight off their control to some extent?
With the Demon Frog now extracted, what the heck's gonna happen?!!! Bate's friend was alive this whole time? The one who killed Ton? The one who Killed Elliot and Emma? Will Bate attack? Will Bate show mercy?
Oh, and a little fun fact about Luna and Lucian. Aside from the claws, the only difference is the colors. The blue and grey were swapped. Did anyone catch it? XDD
The demon frog and Lucian???? Wait, that...LUNA? All this time? Even waaaay back in the first chapter, Lucian was Luna?
Wait, who is Luna? If you've been reading from the start, I won't blame you if it slipped your mind. I'll link a few pages juuust in case you need a quick refresher.
Luna (AKA Lucian) appeared in the ending of the first chapter of "Operation Nonsurat." Though we only just a small glimpse of them. OH! And all three shadows HAVE been revealed. "Mara, Lucian and Shieff." Took long enough, hahah!
The second time we see Luna was in a small flashback in Chapter 2 "Dodge N' Burn" Page 3! Not much was given here, but from the text, it was assumed SOMETHING happened to her. And look, you can see Shieff in the bg too. oAo;
LET'S GOOO! Chapter 8! "Torn Chapter" Page 1!! Right off the bat we see a flashback of Luna and Bate. It was shown that they were not only friends, but she was the one who gifted Bate his mask!!! The fact that Bate still wears the same design shows that he really does care for his friend. THAT, and the design is really cool, haha! n
In the same chapter, Page 5, we see ANOTHER flash back. WOW! Look at Shieff, he looks so chonky! XDDD I'm glad my art improved since I posted that back in 2014. But more importantly, Shieff told Bate she's dead. And that's the end of Luna's story, right?
Ya'll remember the Demon Frog? I posted it in several chapters, ahh... HERE and HERE!
The first being from "The Bird and The Squid. (Page 32) Right on top of his wing! And the other from "The Bird and The Knight!" (Similar titles and reveals? Coincidence? I think not!!!!)
By the looks of it, Shieff was experimenting with this particular Demon Beast. Luna was changed into Lucian long ago, but Bate managed to fight off it's control. He has no memory of it, but he was still able to free himself. Maybe Star Warrior's have the ability to fight off their control to some extent?
With the Demon Frog now extracted, what the heck's gonna happen?!!! Bate's friend was alive this whole time? The one who killed Ton? The one who Killed Elliot and Emma? Will Bate attack? Will Bate show mercy?
Oh, and a little fun fact about Luna and Lucian. Aside from the claws, the only difference is the colors. The blue and grey were swapped. Did anyone catch it? XDD
Species © Nintendo/ HAL Laboratory
Interpreted characters created from said species © Rhylem
Story © Rhylem
Interpreted characters created from said species © Rhylem
Story © Rhylem