How will I be when I grow up?
Will I still be living in South Nova?
Will I be fighting in the war?
How strong will I be?
What friends will I make over the years?
Will anyone look up to me?
Will I be happy?
Will....I be a hero?
How will I be when I grow up?
Will I still be living in South Nova?
Will I be fighting in the war?
How strong will I be?
What friends will I make over the years?
Will anyone look up to me?
Will I be happy?
Will....I be a hero?
Artist Comment:
May 13, 2016
My dear, sweet Bate. You have quite a long, riveting tale ahead of you. There will be times of joy, and times of great sorrow. You will welcome many new faces who will walk into your life, as well as mourn those who've you've lost throughout your winding journey. It will be a daunting trail, but rest assure, little warrior- I promise that you will turn out to be a magnificent Star Warrior in the end~
On a side note- asdfghjdfghjk!!!! Look at his widdle baby talons!!! >v<
May 13, 2016
My dear, sweet Bate. You have quite a long, riveting tale ahead of you. There will be times of joy, and times of great sorrow. You will welcome many new faces who will walk into your life, as well as mourn those who've you've lost throughout your winding journey. It will be a daunting trail, but rest assure, little warrior- I promise that you will turn out to be a magnificent Star Warrior in the end~
On a side note- asdfghjdfghjk!!!! Look at his widdle baby talons!!! >v<
Species © Nintendo/ HAL Laboratory
Interpreted characters created from said species © Rhylem
Interpreted characters created from said species © Rhylem