Artist Comment:
April 25, 2016
After seeing Robobot Planet, Mends is quite excited that he's not the only robotic Bronto Burt anymore. (Not counting my other Bronto fc since she wasn't introduced yet!) But now I might just post her later this week. x)
I'm officially calling them Robo Burts 'cause it sounds better.
*May color later on~
April 25, 2016
After seeing Robobot Planet, Mends is quite excited that he's not the only robotic Bronto Burt anymore. (Not counting my other Bronto fc since she wasn't introduced yet!) But now I might just post her later this week. x)
I'm officially calling them Robo Burts 'cause it sounds better.
*May color later on~
Species © Nintendo/ HAL Laboratory
Interpreted characters created from said species © Rhylem
Interpreted characters created from said species © Rhylem