The Flight Instructor
Sir Bate / Meta
Class with his new flight instructor wasn’t what Meta had in mind. He expected the lessons to be super fun and exciting! Flying the skies above, speeding through the endless sea of clouds, having races all evening and being awarded candy and praise whoever came out on top. But when he and his friends met their mentor, Sir Bate….
All their hopes and dreams were shattered that day.
Sir Bate is strict. He only talked when needed, and never engaged in conversation when given questions he felt were too off topic. And of course- no candy. He gave his lecture, observed their flight patterns, told them to perform some minor exercises, and gave a brief assessment for each warrior. Once the day ended, he bid farewell to them until the next day where he would do the exact same thing. By the end of the week, nothing has changed. Meta figured he would at least crack a smile, or be a bit friendlier to them, but….
“Okay, class dismiss.” Bate spoke to the group of five Puffballs in front of him. “I’ll see you next week”
“H-hey, wait!!!” Meta called out once Bate started to walk away. He stood in front of him with a huge smile on his face while Bate just raised a brow and waited for him to speak.
“We’ve been training for a whole week, now!! How about we all have a race this weekend to see who’s fastest! Or maybe take us flying so we can touch the clouds! I always see you flying over the ocean, can you take us along too?"
He hoped maybe that would get him to loosen up a bit. Of course, it didn’t.
“I have a lot of errands that need tending to tomorrow. I’ll have to pass.” Bate spoke before walking off in the opposite direction.
“Oh..okay. Maybe Sunday?” He said, but when he looked back up, Bate was already gone.
“Just forget about it, Meta.” Arthur spoke from behind. “You’ve been trying this whole week but he obviously doesn’t want anything to do with us. Just leave him alone already.”
“That’s no fair!!! For someone who enjoys flying all the time, he sure doesn’t act like it when we’re around.” Meta huffed. “I heard from Caretaker he’s the fastest flier in Kalmari Town! He can even whip up tornados with his wings!”
“Maybe he’ll teach us how to do all those things one day….” Arthur said. “But it won’t be this week, or the next, or the one after that..”
“I really thought this class was going to be fun too…” Falspar huffed as he stood up to leave the training grounds. “C’mon, guys, let’s go home…”
All the warriors followed the trail back home with Meta trailing way behind in hopes their mentor would return after having a change of heart.
For Meta, weekends are for relaxation and play. He would often scuffle around with his comrades, or head to the plaza to spend his allowance on candy! He finished off his last candy bar yesterday, so he knows today is going to be a tough day figuring out what sweets to purchase. He left early in the morning, right before the store is about to open. He wanted to be first in line so all his favorites would be available. The plaza is nearly empty during this time- just a few store keepers opening up their shop. There are some others lining up at the market- oh, look! His teacher is there too!
Meta quickly did a double take and practically jumped off the bench he was sitting on. His mentor is in the plaza! A huge smile formed on his face, and he raced to meet him.
“Teacher!!” He called out, causing some in line to look his way. During his class, his mentor is always calm and collected, never flustered like how he was acting right now. He looks a bit panicked, caught off guard….embarrassed, maybe? But why? Oh, well- not important. What IS important is having him take he and his friends to the beach so they can fly, and play, and race and have fun!!
“M-Meta, be quiet. You’re being too loud.” Bate tried to hush the springy child who wouldn’t stop telling him to play once he was done shopping. “I..I already told you I have a lot of errands that need to be finished today. Now run along, I…I’m very busy.”
“But you’re just standing in line.” Meta tilted his head. “Oh-! I’ll keep you company!!” He practically latched on to Bate while idly chatting to him.
“Is it true you’re the fastest flier in Kalmari Town? Do you think I’ll ever be as fast as you, one day?” He happily spoke, unaware Bate was getting increasingly uncomfortable with everyone in line now looking at them. “Once you’re done shopping, can you do those cool spins in the air? Oooh, I wanna be the first one to do it, then Arthur will think I’m so much cooler than he is! What about-aaah!
Meta felt himself being lifted up by one of Bate’s massive taloned wings. He was held right in front of Bate’s face, and gave a nervous grin when his mentor didn’t look amused one bit. Bate did not speak a word, and gently placed him back on the floor. The store finally opened, so Meta didn’t have a chance to get another word in since Bate walked in soon after.
Fate is kind to Meta, and he couldn’t believe the luck he had! Right when he left the candy store, his mentor was doing the same at the store across from him! Meta expected him to be long gone, or at least carrying a bunch of bags since he was in there for quite some time, but no- he was holding a single brown bag. He watched him take a seat near one of the benches and rummaged around the bag before pulling out what looked like to be a donut and a carton of milk! Meta hid behind the large fountain in the center of the plaza before waiting in anticipation for him to remove his mask!
He expected his mentor to head off to a concealed area since it seems like he NEVER prefers to remove his mask during class. But to his surprise, he lifted it up with no hesitation whatsoever and started munching away. Meta let out a small gasp when he actually saw him smiling~!! Not only that, but Bate greatly resembled them as well~! Meta wanted nothing more than to run over to talk to him, but realized from past (very recent) experiences, it would just result in Bate quickly leaving, and Meta didn’t want that one bit.
He needed to tackle his approach differently. Maybe if he learned more about his mentor- all the stuff he loves to do, his hobbies, favorite places to go, maybe that’ll finally get him to be friendlier to him. That’ll clearly put in at an advantage in class, and he’ll get to learn everything from his mentor before everyone else! Meta beamed at the idea, and he peeked over to see his mentor heading off. The small Puff quickly gathered all his candy and sped off to follow him.
So apparently his mentor wasn’t lying; he does have a lot of errands to run. Meta followed him for several hours throughout the town. Trips to various shops that sometimes lasted way too long, Meta swore he was going to pass out from boredom. It certainly didn’t help the other errands soon after were of him doing yard work or taking longs rests under a tree with pink petals next to his home. Someone else would occasionally come out of the house and talk to Bate. Meta soon learned after overhearing their conversation his name is Gordon. Their conversation is what Meta would expect from old people- talking about their day, what’s for dinner….missing a doctor appointment? Huh.
Meta gave a small yawn since it was getting quite late, and failed to hear the last parts of their conversation. Once Bate stood up and used his wings to fly off into the opposite direction of his home, Meta practically ran out of his hiding spot at darted where he was going.
Said location is a place Meta rarely visits unless it’s during a festival. Without all the people, and colorful booths filled with games and food, the place seems quite scary. Meta shakes it off once he spots his teacher landing not too far away from a small temple. He gives a bow before entering, and the tiny warrior follows suit and quietly makes his way inside.
Meta has never entered this place. He usually spends his time with his comrades playing all the games outside. The room is filled with several statues carved from stone and rock. Some candles off to the side are lit, but it doesn’t do a good job lighting the area. One statue, the statue his mentor was at, has a plethora of various charms surrounding the base of it. In Bate’s grasp, he is holding one as well. Meta does his best to get a closer look, but as he was trying to do so, the floor below him creaked, and Meta quickly went back into hiding.
He waited with a bated breath in hopes he wasn’t spotted…..
“Meta, come out here. I know you’ve been following me this whole day.” A gruff voice called out.
So, his mentor knew he was being followed all along…
Eventually, the small blue figure emerged from behind one of the statues with wings lowered and sad eyes looking up at the agitated figure.
“I don’t appreciate being spied on.” Bate’s voice is strict, scolding. “Just what do you think you were going to gain from doing such a thing?”
Being scolding isn’t fun in general, but being scolded by his mentor stung differently.
“I…I don’t know.” Is all he could say.
“You don’t know?” Bate repeated. “There has to be a reason why, Meta. I told you I had a lot of errands to run this weekend, do you think I was lying?”
“No, but….” Meta’s eyes started to sting from not only being caught, but the tone of Bate’s voice. “It’s just…"
Bate did not speak, and waited for his answer. What he heard soon after was certainly not what he had expected.
“You don’t seem to like us very much….” Meta said, his eyes focused on the floor as he was speaking. “ We all thought this class was going to be exciting, but…’s not. You don’t smile, you don’t talk to us, you don’t even like to play or have fun. You never tell us anything about yourself, so I thought if I followed you, I could find out for myself…”
The room went silent for what seemed like forever in Meta’s mind. Was his mentor angry? Mad? Furious? Why hasn’t he said anything? Should he look up and check?
Several more floorboards creaked, and it was then Meta finally looked up to see Bate kneeling next to him. Meta froze in place and anxiously waited for him to speak.
“Okay, what would you like to know?” Bate asked.
Just like the reaction Bate had a few moments earlier, the answer that is given is certainly not what Meta had expected.
“W-wha-“ Meta stumbled.
“You said I never talk about myself, so what would you like to know?"
Meta couldn't believe it. He expected someone as strict and grumpy as Bate to give him laps all day for spying on him. But instead he’s getting the chance to ask him anything!! A huge smile formed on his face as he continued where he left off when they first met in Kalmari Plaza earlier that day.
“Teacher!! Why did you decide to become our mentor? How come you never take off your mask? Are you the fastest flyer in Kalmari? How long have you been flying for? How old are you? Were you born here? Who’s Gordon? Why does he live with you? What’s your favorite candy? What about-“
“A-ah, okay- I think that’s enough questions for now. You sure are a curious one, aren’t you?” He softly chuckled to himself.
“You never talk to us during class, I’m just asking what everyone wanted to say.” He smiled.
“Is that so?” He mused, giving the child a small pat on the head. “Then how about we save them for Monday so I don’t have to repeat myself again. I’m sure your friends would like to know as well.”
“Really?!! So we get the day off?!!!”
“Not the whole day off.” He corrected him. “Just the morning. I suppose taking a few hours off won’t be of harm. Besides, you five have been working really hard and deserve a small break.”
“Yaaay!!! Thank you, Teacher!!!” He cheered.
“Yes, yes. Now, come along. I’ll take you back home.” He got up after placing his charm with the assortment of other trinkets near the statue.
“Hey, Teacher, what are you doing up here, anyways? Isn’t this place only open during festivals?” Meta followed him out the door.
“It’s open every day of the year, not just festivals, Meta. And what I’m doing up here is personal, now keep up.” He used his wings to gently push him out the door.
“But you said I can ask you anything!” He huffed, badgering the elder puff.
“You’ve already given me a mountain of questions to answer, let me finish those before you start asking more.” He replied.
“Awww, okay….” He mumbled.
“In the meantime, how about you help me answer some questions of mine.” He spoke, as they continued down the cobblestone path to town. Meta looked up with eager eyes when his mentor put the spotlight on him this time.
“You lot are so eager to test your skills even though it’s only been less than a month. If…I allow a small race to be held….” He paused for a brief moment. “What kind of treat would you and your friends prefer?”
And like that, the quiet forest began to fill with happy cheers from the small warrior. Meta tightly gripped Bate’s glove and pulled him towards the direction of the candy store.
“I’ll show you, Teacher!!! C’mon, let’s go!!!” He beamed with excitement by his mentor’s complete mood shift. Meta isn't sure if it’s because he decided to spy on him all day, but he likes to think so. If spending half the day hiding out in bushes results in his mentor having fun for a few hours, then it was well worth it. Though just to be sure he doesn’t act like a grump anymore, he’ll just have to continue being by his side.
He’s positive his teacher will appreciate the kind gesture.
Class with his new flight instructor wasn’t what Meta had in mind. He expected the lessons to be super fun and exciting! Flying the skies above, speeding through the endless sea of clouds, having races all evening and being awarded candy and praise whoever came out on top. But when he and his friends met their mentor, Sir Bate….
All their hopes and dreams were shattered that day.
Sir Bate is strict. He only talked when needed, and never engaged in conversation when given questions he felt were too off topic. And of course- no candy. He gave his lecture, observed their flight patterns, told them to perform some minor exercises, and gave a brief assessment for each warrior. Once the day ended, he bid farewell to them until the next day where he would do the exact same thing. By the end of the week, nothing has changed. Meta figured he would at least crack a smile, or be a bit friendlier to them, but….
“Okay, class dismiss.” Bate spoke to the group of five Puffballs in front of him. “I’ll see you next week”
“H-hey, wait!!!” Meta called out once Bate started to walk away. He stood in front of him with a huge smile on his face while Bate just raised a brow and waited for him to speak.
“We’ve been training for a whole week, now!! How about we all have a race this weekend to see who’s fastest! Or maybe take us flying so we can touch the clouds! I always see you flying over the ocean, can you take us along too?"
He hoped maybe that would get him to loosen up a bit. Of course, it didn’t.
“I have a lot of errands that need tending to tomorrow. I’ll have to pass.” Bate spoke before walking off in the opposite direction.
“Oh..okay. Maybe Sunday?” He said, but when he looked back up, Bate was already gone.
“Just forget about it, Meta.” Arthur spoke from behind. “You’ve been trying this whole week but he obviously doesn’t want anything to do with us. Just leave him alone already.”
“That’s no fair!!! For someone who enjoys flying all the time, he sure doesn’t act like it when we’re around.” Meta huffed. “I heard from Caretaker he’s the fastest flier in Kalmari Town! He can even whip up tornados with his wings!”
“Maybe he’ll teach us how to do all those things one day….” Arthur said. “But it won’t be this week, or the next, or the one after that..”
“I really thought this class was going to be fun too…” Falspar huffed as he stood up to leave the training grounds. “C’mon, guys, let’s go home…”
All the warriors followed the trail back home with Meta trailing way behind in hopes their mentor would return after having a change of heart.
For Meta, weekends are for relaxation and play. He would often scuffle around with his comrades, or head to the plaza to spend his allowance on candy! He finished off his last candy bar yesterday, so he knows today is going to be a tough day figuring out what sweets to purchase. He left early in the morning, right before the store is about to open. He wanted to be first in line so all his favorites would be available. The plaza is nearly empty during this time- just a few store keepers opening up their shop. There are some others lining up at the market- oh, look! His teacher is there too!
Meta quickly did a double take and practically jumped off the bench he was sitting on. His mentor is in the plaza! A huge smile formed on his face, and he raced to meet him.
“Teacher!!” He called out, causing some in line to look his way. During his class, his mentor is always calm and collected, never flustered like how he was acting right now. He looks a bit panicked, caught off guard….embarrassed, maybe? But why? Oh, well- not important. What IS important is having him take he and his friends to the beach so they can fly, and play, and race and have fun!!
“M-Meta, be quiet. You’re being too loud.” Bate tried to hush the springy child who wouldn’t stop telling him to play once he was done shopping. “I..I already told you I have a lot of errands that need to be finished today. Now run along, I…I’m very busy.”
“But you’re just standing in line.” Meta tilted his head. “Oh-! I’ll keep you company!!” He practically latched on to Bate while idly chatting to him.
“Is it true you’re the fastest flier in Kalmari Town? Do you think I’ll ever be as fast as you, one day?” He happily spoke, unaware Bate was getting increasingly uncomfortable with everyone in line now looking at them. “Once you’re done shopping, can you do those cool spins in the air? Oooh, I wanna be the first one to do it, then Arthur will think I’m so much cooler than he is! What about-aaah!
Meta felt himself being lifted up by one of Bate’s massive taloned wings. He was held right in front of Bate’s face, and gave a nervous grin when his mentor didn’t look amused one bit. Bate did not speak a word, and gently placed him back on the floor. The store finally opened, so Meta didn’t have a chance to get another word in since Bate walked in soon after.
Fate is kind to Meta, and he couldn’t believe the luck he had! Right when he left the candy store, his mentor was doing the same at the store across from him! Meta expected him to be long gone, or at least carrying a bunch of bags since he was in there for quite some time, but no- he was holding a single brown bag. He watched him take a seat near one of the benches and rummaged around the bag before pulling out what looked like to be a donut and a carton of milk! Meta hid behind the large fountain in the center of the plaza before waiting in anticipation for him to remove his mask!
He expected his mentor to head off to a concealed area since it seems like he NEVER prefers to remove his mask during class. But to his surprise, he lifted it up with no hesitation whatsoever and started munching away. Meta let out a small gasp when he actually saw him smiling~!! Not only that, but Bate greatly resembled them as well~! Meta wanted nothing more than to run over to talk to him, but realized from past (very recent) experiences, it would just result in Bate quickly leaving, and Meta didn’t want that one bit.
He needed to tackle his approach differently. Maybe if he learned more about his mentor- all the stuff he loves to do, his hobbies, favorite places to go, maybe that’ll finally get him to be friendlier to him. That’ll clearly put in at an advantage in class, and he’ll get to learn everything from his mentor before everyone else! Meta beamed at the idea, and he peeked over to see his mentor heading off. The small Puff quickly gathered all his candy and sped off to follow him.
So apparently his mentor wasn’t lying; he does have a lot of errands to run. Meta followed him for several hours throughout the town. Trips to various shops that sometimes lasted way too long, Meta swore he was going to pass out from boredom. It certainly didn’t help the other errands soon after were of him doing yard work or taking longs rests under a tree with pink petals next to his home. Someone else would occasionally come out of the house and talk to Bate. Meta soon learned after overhearing their conversation his name is Gordon. Their conversation is what Meta would expect from old people- talking about their day, what’s for dinner….missing a doctor appointment? Huh.
Meta gave a small yawn since it was getting quite late, and failed to hear the last parts of their conversation. Once Bate stood up and used his wings to fly off into the opposite direction of his home, Meta practically ran out of his hiding spot at darted where he was going.
Said location is a place Meta rarely visits unless it’s during a festival. Without all the people, and colorful booths filled with games and food, the place seems quite scary. Meta shakes it off once he spots his teacher landing not too far away from a small temple. He gives a bow before entering, and the tiny warrior follows suit and quietly makes his way inside.
Meta has never entered this place. He usually spends his time with his comrades playing all the games outside. The room is filled with several statues carved from stone and rock. Some candles off to the side are lit, but it doesn’t do a good job lighting the area. One statue, the statue his mentor was at, has a plethora of various charms surrounding the base of it. In Bate’s grasp, he is holding one as well. Meta does his best to get a closer look, but as he was trying to do so, the floor below him creaked, and Meta quickly went back into hiding.
He waited with a bated breath in hopes he wasn’t spotted…..
“Meta, come out here. I know you’ve been following me this whole day.” A gruff voice called out.
So, his mentor knew he was being followed all along…
Eventually, the small blue figure emerged from behind one of the statues with wings lowered and sad eyes looking up at the agitated figure.
“I don’t appreciate being spied on.” Bate’s voice is strict, scolding. “Just what do you think you were going to gain from doing such a thing?”
Being scolding isn’t fun in general, but being scolded by his mentor stung differently.
“I…I don’t know.” Is all he could say.
“You don’t know?” Bate repeated. “There has to be a reason why, Meta. I told you I had a lot of errands to run this weekend, do you think I was lying?”
“No, but….” Meta’s eyes started to sting from not only being caught, but the tone of Bate’s voice. “It’s just…"
Bate did not speak, and waited for his answer. What he heard soon after was certainly not what he had expected.
“You don’t seem to like us very much….” Meta said, his eyes focused on the floor as he was speaking. “ We all thought this class was going to be exciting, but…’s not. You don’t smile, you don’t talk to us, you don’t even like to play or have fun. You never tell us anything about yourself, so I thought if I followed you, I could find out for myself…”
The room went silent for what seemed like forever in Meta’s mind. Was his mentor angry? Mad? Furious? Why hasn’t he said anything? Should he look up and check?
Several more floorboards creaked, and it was then Meta finally looked up to see Bate kneeling next to him. Meta froze in place and anxiously waited for him to speak.
“Okay, what would you like to know?” Bate asked.
Just like the reaction Bate had a few moments earlier, the answer that is given is certainly not what Meta had expected.
“W-wha-“ Meta stumbled.
“You said I never talk about myself, so what would you like to know?"
Meta couldn't believe it. He expected someone as strict and grumpy as Bate to give him laps all day for spying on him. But instead he’s getting the chance to ask him anything!! A huge smile formed on his face as he continued where he left off when they first met in Kalmari Plaza earlier that day.
“Teacher!! Why did you decide to become our mentor? How come you never take off your mask? Are you the fastest flyer in Kalmari? How long have you been flying for? How old are you? Were you born here? Who’s Gordon? Why does he live with you? What’s your favorite candy? What about-“
“A-ah, okay- I think that’s enough questions for now. You sure are a curious one, aren’t you?” He softly chuckled to himself.
“You never talk to us during class, I’m just asking what everyone wanted to say.” He smiled.
“Is that so?” He mused, giving the child a small pat on the head. “Then how about we save them for Monday so I don’t have to repeat myself again. I’m sure your friends would like to know as well.”
“Really?!! So we get the day off?!!!”
“Not the whole day off.” He corrected him. “Just the morning. I suppose taking a few hours off won’t be of harm. Besides, you five have been working really hard and deserve a small break.”
“Yaaay!!! Thank you, Teacher!!!” He cheered.
“Yes, yes. Now, come along. I’ll take you back home.” He got up after placing his charm with the assortment of other trinkets near the statue.
“Hey, Teacher, what are you doing up here, anyways? Isn’t this place only open during festivals?” Meta followed him out the door.
“It’s open every day of the year, not just festivals, Meta. And what I’m doing up here is personal, now keep up.” He used his wings to gently push him out the door.
“But you said I can ask you anything!” He huffed, badgering the elder puff.
“You’ve already given me a mountain of questions to answer, let me finish those before you start asking more.” He replied.
“Awww, okay….” He mumbled.
“In the meantime, how about you help me answer some questions of mine.” He spoke, as they continued down the cobblestone path to town. Meta looked up with eager eyes when his mentor put the spotlight on him this time.
“You lot are so eager to test your skills even though it’s only been less than a month. If…I allow a small race to be held….” He paused for a brief moment. “What kind of treat would you and your friends prefer?”
And like that, the quiet forest began to fill with happy cheers from the small warrior. Meta tightly gripped Bate’s glove and pulled him towards the direction of the candy store.
“I’ll show you, Teacher!!! C’mon, let’s go!!!” He beamed with excitement by his mentor’s complete mood shift. Meta isn't sure if it’s because he decided to spy on him all day, but he likes to think so. If spending half the day hiding out in bushes results in his mentor having fun for a few hours, then it was well worth it. Though just to be sure he doesn’t act like a grump anymore, he’ll just have to continue being by his side.
He’s positive his teacher will appreciate the kind gesture.
'Artist Comment:
June 1, 2022
It's not often I draw them in their earlier days. Usually I draw them when Meta and his friends are already living with their respective mentors. It's nice getting a chance to draw grouchy, distant Bate. x) Looks like Meta is doing a good job befriending that ol' grump.
June 1, 2022
It's not often I draw them in their earlier days. Usually I draw them when Meta and his friends are already living with their respective mentors. It's nice getting a chance to draw grouchy, distant Bate. x) Looks like Meta is doing a good job befriending that ol' grump.
Taken from my April doodle dump~
Species © Nintendo/ HAL Laboratory
Interpreted characters created from said species © Rhylem
Interpreted characters created from said species © Rhylem