Artist Comment:
July 8, 2017
Not all Star Warriors will enjoy such a happy, carefree childhood like the five, sadly.
I stated in Pyrell’s bio that he and Falspar met when they were younger. This takes place before Falspar formed his bond with Alto, and before Crimson Embers began. (Though Pyrell already lost Bero during this scene)
Unfortunately, Pyrell doesn’t remember much of the encounter, but Falspar vaguely does. It’s a blur since he only got one look at him, but he does make the connection at a later point in life. u///u
July 8, 2017
Not all Star Warriors will enjoy such a happy, carefree childhood like the five, sadly.
I stated in Pyrell’s bio that he and Falspar met when they were younger. This takes place before Falspar formed his bond with Alto, and before Crimson Embers began. (Though Pyrell already lost Bero during this scene)
Unfortunately, Pyrell doesn’t remember much of the encounter, but Falspar vaguely does. It’s a blur since he only got one look at him, but he does make the connection at a later point in life. u///u
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Interpreted characters created from said species © Rhylem
Interpreted characters created from said species © Rhylem