“N-no….w-why…..” He held up a shaky hand towards
his mentor. “Teacher….y-you’re hurt…..”
Blood dripping, battered bruises, and arrows scattered across his body,
Bate clutched his arms in pain as he looked down to the warrior.
“It would’ve hurt so much more if I lost you instead, Gumball.”
Artist Comment:
February 10, 2019
Bate will put his life on the line to protect the young warrior who has grew so fond of him over the years. Nothing will ever stop him from putting himself in harms way to keep his little Gumball safe. After all the losses he’s dealt with, losing one of his students will be his absolute breaking point. He will make sure to never let that happen when he’s around. u///u
February 10, 2019
Bate will put his life on the line to protect the young warrior who has grew so fond of him over the years. Nothing will ever stop him from putting himself in harms way to keep his little Gumball safe. After all the losses he’s dealt with, losing one of his students will be his absolute breaking point. He will make sure to never let that happen when he’s around. u///u
Species © Nintendo/ HAL Laboratory
Interpreted characters created from said species © Rhylem
Interpreted characters created from said species © Rhylem