May 25
Kalmari Town, West Nova
Current Residence
Kalmari Town, West Nova
May 25
Kalmari Town, West Nova
Current Residence
Kalmari Town, West Nova


Elliot is diabetic and must be aware of when, or what he's about to eat.
Luckily, he's very good at maintaining his sugar levels and isn't one to
worry his family and friends.
Elliot is diabetic and must be aware of when, or what he's about to eat.
Luckily, he's very good at maintaining his sugar levels and isn't one to
worry his family and friends.
★Pet Peeve
Being raised by parents who despises outsiders, Elliot's beliefs
were molded by them at a very young age. He believes their
town should not associate nor house anyone other than their
kind. His views never changed as he got older, and he's known
to treat anyone who isn't a Squishy with much disrespect.
Being quite expressive (emotionally and vocally) Elliot
is a natural actor in his spare time. He loves to recite lines
of his favorite books or act out the scenes when no one is
around. There's not many who knows this since it's a private
hobby Elliot prefers to do when he's alone.
Elliot lives his life as an average Squishi in the Town of Kalmari. He compares
his life as a record since nothing out of the ordinary ever happens in their small
town, and prefers to keep it that way.
Elliot has a very irate behavior towards anyone whom he sees as a threat.
He's quite vocal and isn't afraid to speak his mind....which then leads
to him cowering behind his big sister for protection when his words
don't effect them. Elliot only shows compassion to the residents of
Kalmari Town and is actually very friendly as long as you're a Squishy.

Even though he doesn't support her views, Elliot is still a protective,
caring brother despite him being 4 years younger. He has a habit
of arguing with her when she does something that puts him on edge.
Even though he doesn't support her views, Elliot is still a protective,
caring brother despite him being 4 years younger. He has a habit
of arguing with her when she does something that puts him on edge.

Elliot has a major crush on Ellie and tries his absolute hardest to gain
her affection. Because Ellie isn't fond of how he treats other,
she rejects all of his advances.
Elliot has a major crush on Ellie and tries his absolute hardest to gain
her affection. Because Ellie isn't fond of how he treats other,
she rejects all of his advances.
-He owns several large bamboo plants and hangs pieces of
paper with all of his wishes written on them.
-When he was younger, Elliot loved the ocean and
wanted to own a boat and travel the world.
-Elliot originally had markings on his feet as a child,
but they eventually disappeared as he got older.
Species© Nintendo/ HAL Laboratory
Planets/Kalmari/Any other FC mentioned in this © Rhylem
Planets/Kalmari/Any other FC mentioned in this © Rhylem