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Artist Comment:
October 21, 2022
And that's another chapter down!! Leaving it on a cliffhanger, what's going to happen now?!! If you have no idea what's happening, prior chapters hold VERY important hints. Look hard enough, and you may even figure out what the next two chapters are about~! And you may even spoil the ending to the next chapter, haha~! But I will give no more hints now. The ending is close and I can't wait to wrap this series up~!
I started this DfTP back in March of 2021, and I'm so happy it's finally completed!!! Time to work on the next one~!! ^o^
The conclusion of Gumball Warrior is drawing closer! The next chapter is going to be WILD, so stick around for the next installment in the Gumball Warrior series: "A Matter of Time."
Anyways, that's the end of Demons from The Past! Thank you to anyone who took the time to read this story. Like always, I hope to see you in the final chapters!
October 21, 2022
And that's another chapter down!! Leaving it on a cliffhanger, what's going to happen now?!! If you have no idea what's happening, prior chapters hold VERY important hints. Look hard enough, and you may even figure out what the next two chapters are about~! And you may even spoil the ending to the next chapter, haha~! But I will give no more hints now. The ending is close and I can't wait to wrap this series up~!
I started this DfTP back in March of 2021, and I'm so happy it's finally completed!!! Time to work on the next one~!! ^o^
The conclusion of Gumball Warrior is drawing closer! The next chapter is going to be WILD, so stick around for the next installment in the Gumball Warrior series: "A Matter of Time."
Anyways, that's the end of Demons from The Past! Thank you to anyone who took the time to read this story. Like always, I hope to see you in the final chapters!
Species © Nintendo/ HAL Laboratory
Interpreted characters created from said species © Rhylem
Interpreted characters created from said species © Rhylem